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Publications Magazine

Virginia Town & City is the official magazine of the Virginia Municipal League.
Published 9 times a year at 13 E. Franklin St. Richmond, VA 23219.

Editor / Advertising Manager: Rob Bullington

Contributing Editor & Graphic Design: Manuel Timbreza

Circulation Manager: Rob Bullington

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Vol. 48 No. 3 – April 2013

Vol. 48 No. 3 – April 2013

Affordable Care Act: What local governments need to know

Thursday, April 11, 2013

About the cover: Local governments will confront an unwieldy new federal law next year when the Affordable Care Act takes effect.  Understanding how the act will affect local government operations is essential.

Download VTC April 2013

Vol. 48 No. 2 – March 2013

Vol. 48 No. 2 – March 2013

Aboutface – In review: General Assembly ends burdensome reversion program

Monday, March 11, 2013

About the cover: The 2013 General Assembly saw fit to eliminate the onerous “local aid to the Commonwealth” program that had sapped $270 million from city and county budgets over the past five fiscal years.  Abolishment of the reversion scheme was the No. 1 legislative goal of VML this year.  Illustration by Manuel Timbreza.

Download VTC March 2013

Vol. 48 No. 1 – Jan/Feb 2013

Vol. 48 No. 1 – Jan/Feb 2013

Who’s growing: Estimates reflect resurgent cities, aging population

Friday, January 11, 2013

About the cover: Every year, the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service produces the official population estimates for Virginia.  The most recent numbers, based on changes since the 2010 census in housing stock, school enrollment, births, deaths and driver’s licenses, revealed some significant trends of interest to local governments.

Download VTC Jan/Feb 2013

Vol. 47 No. 10 – Dec. 2012

Vol. 47 No. 10 – Dec. 2012

Money matters: Local issues will abound in 2013 General Assembly

Monday, December 17, 2012

About the cover: The 2013 session of the General Assembly will convene Jan. 9 in Richmond. Local government issues, many of them tied to the state budget, will be in the spotlight. Photo illustration by Manuel Timbreza.

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Vol. 47 No. 9 – Nov. 2012

Vol. 47 No. 9 – Nov. 2012

VML President Ed Daley, City Manager, Hopewell

Saturday, November 17, 2012

About the cover: Hopewell City Manager Ed Daley, DPA, Was elected the 94th president of the Virginia Municipal League at VML’s Annual Conference held in Williamsburg Sept. 23-25. Photo by David Parsons.

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Vol. 47 No. 8 – Oct. 2012

Vol. 47 No. 8 – Oct. 2012

Be a part of history in Williamsburg: VML Annual Conference Sept. 23-25, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

About the cover: Guests of all ages enjoy exploring the Historic Area of Colonial Williamsburg and its unique world-class museums, intriguing exhibits, lively lectures and hands-on activities for children. Photo courtesy of Colonial Williamsburg.

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Vol. 47 No. 7 – Sept. 2012

Vol. 47 No. 7 – Sept. 2012

President’s Award Winner: Abingdon – Free wireless Internet coverage blankets town

Monday, September 17, 2012

About the cover: More than 65 entries in six categories were received for judging in the 2012 VML Achievement Awards competition. The winner of this year’s President’s Award is the Town of Abingdon.

Download VTC Sept. 2012

Vol. 47 No. 6 – Jul/Aug 2012

Vol. 47 No. 6 – Jul/Aug 2012

Gateway: Virginia Beach project transforming oceanfront

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

About the cover: Chris Wojtowicz, charged with overseeing the Laskin Gateway redevelopment project for the City of Virginia Beach, has been consumed with coordinating numerous infrastructure improvements, including burying utility lines and installing storm sewers, drainage and road improvements. Photo by Craig D. McClure / City of Virginia Beach.

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Vol. 47 No. 5 – June 2012

Vol. 47 No. 5 – June 2012

The distinctive city: Community appeal drives economic prosperity

Sunday, June 17, 2012

About the cover: The Urban Land Institute’s Edward T. McMahon, a keynote speaker at two VML annual conferences, offers suggestions for developing and maintaining vibrant cities in two stories this month. The articles begin on page 8 and page 10.

Download VTC June 2012

Vol. 47 No. 4 – May 2012

Vol. 47 No. 4 – May 2012

Be a part of history: VML Annual Conference headed to Williamsburg

Thursday, May 17, 2012

About the cover: VML’s 2012 Annual Conference will take place in Williamsburg Sept. 23-25. Plan to attend this important, informative event that will unfold in the Historic Area of Colonial Williamsburg. Photo illustration by Manuel Timbreza.

Download VTC May 2012
