Check back often for the latest state and national events, resources, and opportunities of interest to Virginia’s local governments.
Themed around the idea of “Elevating Housing Solutions Across Virginia” and happening across the Commonwealth, these events are designed to educate and support you in your efforts to provide affordable and workforce housing in your communities...
The OAA is hosting a free webinar on Thursday September 12 from 10:00-11:00am entitled, “Financial management of opioid settlement funds (including grants) for Virginia cities and counties.”
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is the leading organization of local government professionals dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving communities throughout the world.
Total awards rise to more than $56 million in last twelve months...
The Spring 2024 Resiliency Academy continues with a presentation on Tools for Climate and Hazard Mitigation Planning...
This in-person workshop for city and county officials addresses topic of opioid abatement and how to apply for grants...
The summit is a free one-day virtual annual event geared toward addressing environmental health topics relevant to the Mid-Atlantic Region....
The Commonwealth Council on Aging has developed five microlearning videos on older adult malnutrition and food insecurity and the services/programs that can help address those issues...
The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and partners are excited to launch Charging Smart, a new designation program that awards communities for electric vehicle (EV) readiness with a special focus on EV charging...
The event provides an opportunity for WEF, NMSA, NLC and NACo members and others to learn about current policy issues driving the stormwater sector today...